About Cri du Chat
Before you start the journey of learning what Cri du Chat Syndrome or 5pminus Syndrome is, please keep in mind that this is a spectrum disorder with a wide range of outcomes. Not all of the symptoms are present in everyone and the outcomes are affected by several things: the location and type of deletion, the impact of early intervention and therapy and the natural variation among people. The information provided may have you seeking answers to questions from your medical team. It may also have you seeking answers to the future. Some of your questions can be answered here and others will be revealed over time as your child develops, as there is no precise way to predict the future.
Your parenting journey may appear different to the one you had envisioned. It may be an overwhelming time while you process the information. Raising a child with additional needs brings a world full of new and different challenges but also of extreme joy – joy at seeing your child reach his or her milestones. It can bring about a level of understanding, patience, gratitude, pride and appreciation for many things. It may seem hard to imagine at first, but it is evident from the feedback of hundreds of families throughout the world in our community, that their child is a treasured member of the family.
The support group offers the ability to share the joy in watching your child develop, as well as seeking answers to any challenges that arise. It is an opportunity to share your journey with many people who understand and you can have access to a wide range of experiences.
For information about Cri du Chat Syndrome please visit the website of the Cri Du Chat Support Group of Australia.